Comboni Lay Missionaries

Send Lord workers to your vineyard

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

For a long time, our group existed with same members. Worse, the number kept on reducing. About twenty, we dropped to ten and for a while just five. The discouragement came out of the various challenges we were facing during the formation process. But, by God’s grace, a new dynamism came with the Superior Provincial Father Timothy and the chaplain Leopold. After the promise of three members on the 10th October last year and after the African Assembly in Benin, we had the joy to see new arrival for the CLM journey.

1. In Ghana :

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

With the zeal of Mr. Wotormenyo Christian, an old member of the group, have started the CLM formation Ladies Grace Dzokoto and Gifty Aziedu and the Misters Valentine Sewovi, Emmanuel Aniewu, Daniel Gbekie and Peter Kofitio. With the long distance that separates us from one another, in addition to the monthly meeting which requires a physical presence, we plan some online meetings to share some information. Some candidates started attending the monthly meeting already. And to solve in a way the problem of distance between us, we are thinking of having some days formation during vacation. This will at the same time consolidate our community life.

2. In Togo

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

Seven (7) are the candidates in Lome, Togo at Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish. The zeal of these committed faithful is remarkable. The group has been in existence for a while. They have some commitments at the Parish and collaborate actively with the Comboni Sisters of Adidogome. Sister Elisabeth, SMC and Father Augustine, MCCJ accompany the group. Misters Botri Ernest, Adjogble Benjamin, Akitibi Jean, Gnimassoun Jean Baptiste and the ladies Emilienne Avotonou, Keto Dorothy and Maria Dong are the candidates in formation. The formation has formally started already. CLM in the Province and the Chaplain are in touch with the group for the growth of the members. We (CLM) will organize from time to time some visits to them for sharing of experience. Visits in that sense have started already: Alberto (CC coordinator) and Justin (coordinator in the province) paid a visit to the group in November 2022. Another visit was paid on the 20th August 2023 on Sister Elisabeth’s invitation. The sharing was about The mission of CLM in the church and the society which went on wonderfully with the contribution of each one including Sister Elisabeth.

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

3. In Benin

In Benin, two aspirants manifested their desire to start the CLM journey via the CLM blog: Misters Ulrich Coffi and Aboe Lucien. Chats with them is conducted for now online. They will soon meet Brother Pascal, MCCJ who will plan, with them, the Chaplain and the CLM, the formation process.

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

We are grateful to the Lord who continues to sow in the heart of the faithful « a strong missionary drive for Christ to be witnessed and announced to those who do not know him yet ».

Justin, CLM.

6 years of Chispuditos

Lmc Guatemala

With God’s blessing, lots of joy, good cheer, smiles and anticipation, the CLM were contributing ideas, activities and snack suggestions to celebrate the children of Aldea La Salvadora I and II the anniversary…


On JUNE 3rd, the anniversary date, with a pleasantly sunny morning and with the attendance of the 50 children that month after month are given preventive monitoring for child malnutrition, we prepared a delicious and fresh fruit salad, which children and parents enjoyed together with a bread with chicken filling and a very cold and refreshing horchata.

There were fun games of rounds, songs and races around chairs; mimes and even races of moms with their babies, presenting each one with an attractive pastel-colored plastic cup. It was such a fun and entertaining atmosphere that children and adults alike had a morning of celebration and fun.

Of course, the grand finale of this celebration was the presentation of a fairy tale play, in which the CLM put all their soul and energy in their performance, leaving all the spectators surprised and amazed, it was the fable of Leo and the mouse. Curiously, several children did not know the fable and we were very impressed by the way in which adults and children were completely introduced in the story.

It was a very enjoyable moment, a moment in which we celebrated life and that, in the midst of suffering, there is light and hope for these villages.

Our deep desire as a community is to grow with this program, so that the word of God can reach more families and comfort them in their sorrows, so that more children can have the opportunity to improve their health and so that mothers can have the necessary tools for their children to grow with greater opportunity.

Sara Ramírez

Missionary sending of Cristina Paulek – from the mission of Ipê Amarelo to the mission in Central Africa

LMC Brasil

On July 23, 2023 we celebrated the sending of the Comboni Lay Missionary Cristina Paulek, in the community of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, in the Ipê Amarelo neighborhood, a Comboni parish in Contagem / Minas Gerais, where she was currently on mission.

It was an emotional moment of great joy and several reunions of the CLM family of Brazil.

Cristina is leaving for the Central African Republic after several years of missionary dedication in Brazilian lands. She began her work in 1998 in formation and then dedicated herself to the indigenous cause in Rondônia; since then she has developed various missionary works in the Association of Comboni Lay Missionaries, including as general coordinator and accompaniment of people in preparation to be CLM and to leave. Most of that time was spent in the Community of Ipê Amarelo, which now sends her on mission to other frontiers.

Present at this sending-off celebration were: Alejo Ramirez and his wife Terezinha Ramirez, Vanessa and Feliciano with their daughter Valentina, Adriana and Marcelo with their children Bernardo and Esther, Liliana and Flávio with their daughter Maria and also the founder of the Comboni Lay Missionaries in Brazil, Valdeci Ferreira, who on the occasion declared that he was surprised by Cristina’s decision, a joyful surprise. He also said that the dream of Africa has always been the missionary dream of the CLM project and that he thanks God for the gift of Cristina’s life and asks the whole community to be united with her in prayers.

After the Mass, we had a very special moment of farewell to Cristina, together with the community and all the lay people present at a lunch at the mission house, a moment of great joy and satisfaction. The lay couple Adriana and Marcelo declare that: “this was a very exciting moment that strengthens the bonds of the mission and gives a missionary sense to the life we live day by day, in our work in our base community, together with the education of our children Bernardo and Esther”.

The current coordinator of the laity in Brazil, Flávio Schmidt, who traveled 4 days from Maranhão to Ipê Amarelo with his family, highlights: “it is a moment of great joy for our group and for the movement as a whole. Cristina has already done a lot for the mission and now continues her missionary service in the lands of the heart of St. Daniel Comboni, together with the Comboni family present there. It is also inspiring that this sending out takes place on the day when the martyrdom of Fr. Ezequiel Ramín in Brazilian lands is remembered. Let us pray for her and for all the people who dedicate their lives to the construction of the Kingdom”.

We thank God for the gift of Cristina Paulek’s life and ask Him for His blessings so that this new missionary time in the heart of Africa may be a fruitful time of peace, joy and, above all, enthusiastic dissemination of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

We count on the prayers of all!

Adriana Moutinho, CLM Brazil