Comboni Lay Missionaries

Mission in Guerrero (Mexico)

CarolinaOctober 15th, 2014, a month after the departure of Carolina Carreón Martinez to her destination in Mission where she took a commitment to work for 3 years in the mountains of Guerrero. In this community, where there is the presence of the Comboni Fathers, among Mixtec indigenous peoples (NAU SAVIL); place where they missed the presence of Lay Missionaries since previously they had been accompanied by the CLM Marcela Angeles, Olivia, Lety, Rosario and Alma.
Carolina, who said yes to God’s call to present Its Kingdom, revealing His love for humanity, trust and respect for indigenous peoples so that they become the protagonists of their own liberation. She counts on the support and prayer of the Comboni Lay Missionaries Group to where she belongs to.

Adriana M Salcedo Cabello

[Mozambique] Jubilee of the Plan for the Regeneration of Africa

There are difficult things to say, as we hear sometimes, you can only understand it if you see it. The parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Carapira is celebrating a big party. We commemorate this year (2014) one hundred and fifty years of the Comboni plan for the regeneration of Africa. A plan designed to alleviate the suffering of the African people. A poor, suffering, subject to slavery people, without knowing the good news of Jesus. The dream of Daniel Comboni, that is God’s plan became reality, a reality surrounded by large difficulties but full of life and progress. One of the ways adopted to overcome these difficulties was to “Save Africa with Africa”.

Also this year we commemorate the fifty (50) anniversary from the opening of our wonderful church, the parish built by the disciples of Jesus guided by the charism of Daniel Comboni. It was very nice and charming to hear the parish history from the older members of the Christian community, from the arrival of the first missionaries, through construction and opening of the church until the present day. They will not have forgotten the times of civil war and the Comboni missionaries (men and women) with whom passed tough times, giving a significant and valuable assistance.

The Comboni Missionaries Sisters also marks 60 years making presence in Mozambique, making a tour of its history visiting the “Island of Mozambique and the Parish of Mussoril” where they had their first mission.

Also commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Industrial School of Carapira founded by the Comboni Missionaries, work that aims to respond to the slogan “Save Africa with Africa”. A school that, faced with many difficulties, always wagered by the formation of young Mozambicans with high technical-professional and human level to serve the people. It is within these jubilees that the parish attended the ordination of Fr José Alberto Mozambican and the religious consecration of the Mexican sister Lilia Karina, increasing the Comboni Family.

It’s wonderful the way the Comboni family – fathers, brothers, sisters and lay people (foreigners and Mozambicans) – coordinate the work of evangelization. This team works closely in the tasks that the reality set before us, also for the preparation and implementation of an event or party.

Across Africa, particularly Mozambique, the gospel is being lived by more people, thanks to the Comboni Missionaries. We thank God for this legacy.

Martinho Matrimony.



Hello everyone. I am Martha, yes, a little similar to that of the Gospel, which had many things to concern and is disturbed knowing that only one is needed. I am originally from the state of Puebla, Pue., Mexico. There, I have a very beautiful family consisting of my parents, Martha and Fermin, four sisters and three brothers and almost twenty nephews. I am 33 years old and I work in the city of Mexico, in the education sector. I love languages, play basketball; my favorite music is the one where the guitar sounds (mariachis, trova, trios, bachata, street musicians, ranchera).

The reason for this message is for you to know a little about myself and share my joy at the appointment that I received last September 14 to assist the missions in coordinating the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Mexico. I consider the Comboni family as my spiritual family even I do not know everyone personally, it’s nice to know that my family is very large and we are united in the love of Christ and St. Daniel Comboni missionaries.

I thank God for this call to service and I join you in praying for unity in our missionary family. I would like to present the names of the team members who will serve the CLM of Mexico.

  • General Coordinator. CLM. Martha Morales Cruz
  • Ministry of Economy. CLM. Adriana Margarita Salcedo Cabello
  • Secretary of Education. CLM. Ma. Teresa Moreno García
  • Secretary of missionary animation. CLM. Manuela Valladares Esquivel


Martha Martha

Here I share two photos. On the left, I am on the mission field in the mountains of Guerrero, in the community of Buenavista, with Adomid a na savi smiling child. And on the right, on my last birthday with four of my nephews: Luz, María José, Cuauhtémoc and Guadalupe.

Martha Morales

New CLM Bulletin in Costa Rica

Costa RicaComboni asked the missionaries to be holy and capable.

Saints, for all who follow Christ should aspire to be a perfect image and likeness of the Lord, in everything, even the cross. A Christian, who does not want to be like Christ, is half on their spiritual journey. And capable, because, like Christ, the missionary must also perfected a work, with concrete actions to build the Kingdom of God here on earth.

In this missionary walking, every member of the community will discover their gifts and talents working together will refine their own skills, and placed at the service of others. And it is in this community effort, where everyone discovers it is essential to build the Church, and to be the Body of Christ.

Thus, little by little, the CLM of Costa Rica have seen the need –following the example of other CLM communities- to communicate and encourage the local church, with means and tools to raise awareness of the missionary charism, and attract more people willing to live the mission to its ultimate consequences.

The first project undertaken by Costa Ricans CLM in the area of communication is the missionary’s newsletter, which first came out in the month of missions. This bulletin is the result of a joint effort in which everyone developed one of the sections of the newsletter.

It is the first experiment which must get better, of course, but also a joy to see realized a dream that began earlier this year. The idea is that, through the bulletin, we may inform of important news of the mission of the whole Church, and more specifically of the work performed by the CLM worldwide.

In fact, we hope that everyone, as a single Comboni family, can be present in this newsletter, which will be monthly spread. For this reason, we encourage you to share your experiences or missionary projects in their various communities and missions to make them known in our country- printed and digitally- and develop, in this way, a strong missionary animation. Any writing or testimony you wish to share can be send by mail to the CLM in Costa Rica:

We hope you enjoy this first edition, and, with your prayers and comments we can improve it every day. United in prayer.

We leave you here a digital copy of it: BoletinCR

Christian Madriz

[Mozambique] Working together

This semester, the discipline of civic and moral education for students in the third year at the Industrial School of Carapira, has been on the subject of sexual education. It is a subject that attracts attention and arouses the curiosity of the students, especially something so present in this period of adolescence for which they are going through.

In the latter period, the subject is STD (sexually transmitted infections), among which is also AIDS.

Aula da turma do 3oB
Clase de tercero B
Aula da Turma do 3ºA
Clase de tercero A

Thus, to provide students with access to quality information on the subject, I invited health technician working at the Health Center in Carapira to present this topic, clarify doubts and raise awareness regarding the importance and ways to prevent diseases.

Thus, the technical participate in the classes for both classrooms of the third year, explaining about the disease and its effects, making use of visual material.

Students actively participated with questions and testimonies in a timid start, but as it was passing the class more freely. Also the way the technical invigorated, speaking in the language of young people, provide this opening. It was a time of enrichment and interesting information, training and collaboration between the Health Center and the School. So we worked together on the Human Formation of these young people, following the example of Comboni, in collaboration with local professionals.

Flávio Schmidt