Comboni Lay Missionaries

CLM meeting in Mexico

Grupo Mexico

Hello dear Comboni missionary family,
Came the month of the homeland and with it our monthly Comboni missionary meeting. The CLM of Mexico, DF met at the headquarters of the continental novitiate. After settling, Brother Joel invited us to dinner. The kitchen was already moving with Bayro preparing water melon, José heating the soup, Roger setting the table and Delio organizing the food in the “shopping taste”. After sharing the bread, we turn to our holy hour to the candlelight, between psalms and prayers we discovered ourselves before the Lord needed his strength, and his love to continue in his service.
After a good rest, we set to start on Sunday with the prayer of Lauds, led by Juanita We had breakfast prepared by the sisters of the Oblate Congregation of St. Martha, and we share the Eucharistic celebration with the community; and a youth group that was conducting a retreat. Father Anastasio, MCCJ, during the homily reminded us that our encounter with Jesus should lead us to seek spiritual healing previous to our physical or economic well-being. He invited us out following the example of Jesus; to share with others, to show our enthusiasm and thus, by helping others, we will transform our life and testimony.
Sister Ma. Elena shared with us the theme of women in the plan of Comboni. And between reflections and writings together we discovered what St. Daniel thought of women, how he values, demands, protects, and treats women as an equal, considered a stronghold for the mission. One of the most moving text was a letter written to his mother, Domenica Pace, where he speaks with great tenderness. Finally, we could not leave without organizing the activities of October and giving thanks to God for this meeting, we live with joy in the midst of the Comboni Family.
Martha CLM coordinator of Mexico

Three “sayings” of Jesus

A commentary on Mc 9, 38-48 (XXVI Sunday O.T., September 26th 2015)


The gospels, besides narrating episodes of Jesus’ life and reproducing his parables, contain also collections of “sayings”, small sentences that He surely pronounced in different times and places and the first disciples retained by heart and repeated to the new disciples that were entering the communities. In the verses we read today, we find three of these sayings that I understand as follows:

1.- Goodness has no frontiers. The exact saying of Jesus is “whoever is not against us, is with us” and He pronounces it because somebody wanted to forbid people who did not belong to the group of disciples to act in the name of Jesus. It would be like forbidding someone to help the poor because he or she is not a member of the Church. Any act of goodness belongs to God; it’s a sharing in God’s goodness. We are invited to acknowledge it, be grateful and glad for it.

2.- A glass of water may have an infinite value. Jesus says: “Whoever gives a glass of water in my name, will not lose the reward”. Sometimes, not much is needed to put joy in a persons’ life, to make her or him feel respected, to offer a sign of hope in the middle of difficulties. To give a glass of water is a sign of welcome, respect, availability to “give a hand” if needed. Who gives a glass of water to someone in need, is open to the other and who is open to the other is open to God. What is the “glass of water” that I could offer to the people around me?

3.- Be careful, do not become a stumbling stone for the little ones! Mark puts here three sentences with a common reference to the “scandal”. We know that this word means really “stumbling stone”, trip up somebody who is defenceless, so that he falls down. Jesus, who is full of goodness and tenderness, becomes quite angry when someone lacks respect for the house (temple) of his Father or when somebody wants to trip the little ones, those who have only God to trust. You should not “joke” with the little ones of God. At the same time, Jesus tells us something that to my ears sound like that: “Do not trip up yourself; if something is doing any wrong to you, cut it, do not indulge, choose the way to righteousness with decision and clarity”
Every Sunday, as we celebrate the Eucharist and listen to these words of Jesus, we say to Him: Amen, thank you, I wish these words to illuminate my life. Help me to make them true in me.
Fr. Antonio Villarino

Little by little, we are taking off


It was a great joy for me that slowly but with assurance we are moving forward in the response to our vocation. Things planned are being slowly implemented.

Before having our meeting this 12th September, some members came a day before for a discussion about a project. In the evening of Friday 11, we were gathered to meditate upon the Sorrowful Mysteries of our Lord Jesus. After this prayer, we read two letters from the Writings of Comboni, one written to Fr Nicola Mazza on the 4th Sep. 1857 and the second one written on the 20th Sep. 1857 from Egypt to Dr Benedetto Patuzzi (WC 19, 20-26). The main purpose is the knowledge of our Founder. After this, we took some time to reflect a little bit about how we are moving. This time of Community Prayer is to strengthen all the local groups which are formed  by members in the same area.  Before starting our monthly meeting this 12th September, we prayed the Lauds. For our meeting, we had first a mass presided by Rev. Fr Joseph Rabbiosi. At the meeting, we emphasized on the roles that the local groups have to play: the necessity to come together and pray, involvement in JPIC, the formation and preparation of some youth, the proclamation of the Good News in some villages and the mission promotion.

We planned for the coming meeting which falls on the 10th October to present the History of CLM.

Justin Nougnui, coordinator.

Testimony in Carapira


“The essential is invisible to the eyes”! I never found much meaning to this phrase as after Mozambique … When we dare to open our hearts to God’s call, we run the risk of discovering the true meaning of happiness. In fact, there were so many graces received, the experienced and shared love, that this experience has shaped my life, my heart filled in such a way that my thoughts, desires and dreams are all oriented towards Mozambique. Throughout the year we prepare these months of mission in Mozambique, we prepared ourselves with actions of charity, intense training, intimate encounters with God through prayer and so expectations were high and immense the anxiety. The truth, however, is that I never thought we will live so intensely this month with such dedication, with so much love … Weak was my faith, I admit! After all there were many people who prayed for us, there were many sincere hearts that have directed their prayers to God. The seven members of Faith and Mission group that reached the Carapira mission in Mozambique have only reasons to thank God for all we received.

In Carapira, from the beginning , we were welcome as family by the various members of the Comboni Family present there, we really felt welcomed, integrated. The first night we had a meeting to present ourselves together, allowing us to learn a bit of the work done in the mission, and to affirm our willingness to work hard this month. Yes, it was always a concern of the whole group to work hard, or in the words of Fernando Pessoa, to put in all that we are in everything we do no matter how small it is. And we did not stay unanswered. The next day we had a meeting where we received several proposals, either in the Industrial School of Carapira, in the ministry, at boarding school of the sisters, as well as with the community. I remember that after this meeting, the group began to divide tasks, specify the duties of each, with an intensity that quickly filled the quadrant of our activities. I was always glad to see everybody working. I am well aware that this was only possible by the confidence placed in us from the beginning, but I also know that throughout the month we did everything possible to meet expectations. To be honest, despite wanting to make the most of myself and work hard, I was always aware that a month would be very little to give ourselves unreservedly. The truth is that I was wrong. Of course, the difficulty of the language and adaptation to the place complicated things, but also the smiles, sympathy, trust placed in us and the fantastic reception we had, made everything so much easier. From the beginning, Brother Luis allowed us to participate wholeheartedly in school, either in the administrative work, whether in activities with students; Father Firmino allowing to accompany him on the visits to communities; the sisters allowing us to help with explanations to the girls at the boarding school and visiting the sick and elderly in the community and the Comboni Lay Missionaries that have always followed us closely and with whom we work very comfortable. I knew the work of the sisters, brothers and priests minimally by the various testimonies I had heard. But I confess I did not know the great work done by the Comboni Lay Missionaries. Their dedication to the Industrial School of Carapira, classroom, administration, nursing, in the dining room, as well as monitoring of extracurricular activities is impressive. But beyond that, the pastoral work in the communities, work in the parish, in the formation of the animators, the role of justice and peace for the communities… they left me baffled. Honestly, for the first time, I want to become a Comboni Lay Missionary. On a personal level, this month was very important to me. I found many of my limits when fatigue wanted to beat me, I was challenged to learn to live in community, how to be tolerant, to try to solve problems through dialogue, to examine me internally. When I think about it all, I’m glad I could grow. But apart from all these challenges I’ve been so happy … The Eucharist filled my heart with songs and dances that expressed so much, the smiles of children, the joy of the people of the communities, the Comboni family who I met in Carapira and I now call friends, girls in the boarding school that made me smile, young in the school, young people … Oh, my God, how I miss it! I want to mourn for joy …. I want to go back!!! … In Mozambique I felt the sun on my hand! The sun of joy, the sun that illuminate our life, the sun that warms us, that warms our hearts, the sun that allows us to exchange glances, the sun that makes us live intensely the day! In Mozambique I had the sun in my hand!

Carapira Pedro Nascimiento

Jesus’ secret

A commentary on Mk 9, 30-37 (XXV Sunday O.T., September 20th 2015)


Mark, the gospel we continue to read every Sunday of Ordinary Time, presents Jesus as an itinerant prophet who walks from village to village and from town to town preaching to the crowds and performing liberating actions as signs of God’s love towards the poor, the sick and the sinners.
But, from time to time, Mark says that Jesus “did not wish people knew He was there”. In those times of public silence, Jesus would “instruct his disciples”, given them some teachings that many (even the intimate ones) were not able to understand.

In today’s Reading Jesus announces, for the second time, his “secret”, that is, “that the Son of Man is going to be given up in the hands of men, but on the third day He will rise”.

We have heard so many times these words that they no longer impress us, though we do not understand its meaning, as it happened with the apostles: They understood nothing till they passed through the experience of His death and resurrections.
In fact, Jesus is not a brilliant but superficial prophet. Rather, He confronts death and wins over it, thanks to His radical trust in the Father. This is His great Secret. And this is the secret of many of His best disciples, who are able to confront death trusting totally in God’s secure love.

I remember, for example, St. Maximilian Kolbe, who, during the Second World War, offered himself to be assassinated in place of a father with children; Or I remember St Daniel Comboni, who, at the age of fifty, destroyed by sicknesses and enormous difficulties, while he feels he is dying, he says: “I die, but the project (of Africa’s salvation) will not die. Very few really believed that at the time, but he was right.

It’s in this line of thought that we can read the second part of todays’ gospel: “If someone wants to be the first one, let him become the servant of all”. We have read this sentence also many times and we do not really believe in it. Also this is a secret that not many understand. We all wish to be important, to be considered as the best ones; we are afraid to be despised, not taken into consideration. We feel certain “anguish” and a need to be the first ones. But Jesus says that to reach the first place we have to accept to be the last one. In my own words, I understand Jesus message in this way: “Be calm, relax, look at this little child, be grateful, think first of the God’s Kingdom and of its Justice, give out with generosity… and you will receive plenty”. It seems to me that, deep in our heart, we all feel the truthfulness of Jesus’ teaching, but we do not trust enough.
Let ask the Lord, in the Eucharist, to open our hearts, so that we can understand his “secret” and be ready to be the last ones, the servants, ready even to die to ourselves trusting in God as Jesus, Kolbe, Comboni and many others did.
Fr. Antonio Villarino