Comboni Lay Missionaries

Second Meeting of Mission Promotion Guatemala-El Salvador

LMC Guatemala

On Friday, June 30 we, members of the CLM-PCA of Guatemala were sent to El Salvador by our community.

The first meeting took place in December 2016. On that occasion in our mission promotion we shared about St. Daniel Comboni, the members of the Comboni family, the CLM, how we are organized and, at least a little bit, how in Guatemala the community followed a journey based on the indications of the directory.

On this second occasion, the mission promotion part took place on Saturday, July 1 and lasted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

These were the points of our program of activities:

To go back to recognize St. Daniel Comboni, the Comboni family and the charism that identifies us;

The missionary vocation and how to be community in the Comboni style;

The directory and an explanation of the stages of human, spiritual and Comboni formation. At the same time, as an example, how we took care of our formation over two and a half years;

A small workshop on human development to end the day and to explain a little bit the role of the CLM in the field of the integral development of the person.

Results of the meeting:

Identification of and connection among the people who will be the contacts between Guatemala and El Salvador;

Several people were motivated to know better the Comboni charism in order to discern their vocation;

To start having meetings the last Saturday of each month, beginning now in July;

From our part, a commitment to nurture properly and periodically the seed that has been planted;

To pray for fruits and for our brothers of El Salvador.

We, the CLM of Guatemala, believe in the name of Jesus and with the intercession of St. Daniel Comboni, that this work is from God and will have success. The people of El Salvador are intelligent, fighters, lovable, accessible, open and, above all and most importantly, full of faith and of love of God and ready to serve the most needy.

This past weekend, we, from Guatemala, without any merit on our part, have enjoyed and shared in the mercy of God.


St. Daniel Comboni

LMC Guatemala



St. Daniel Comboni


Yearly Assembly of CLM in Brazil

Asamblea LMC Brasil 2017

On June 21-22 we held our Yearly Assembly of the CLM of Brazil at the Comboni Minor Seminary Bro. Alfredo Fiorini of Curitiba, PR.

The theme, “To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ACLM with daring and missionary commitment,” helped us to review our history and to have a privileged time of exchange, sharing, community living and celebration during this year when we complete 20 years since the creation of the Association of Comboni Lay Missionaries – ACLM.

In the context of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Comboni Institute, we were graced by having with us the MCCJ provincial, Fr. Dario, who helped us reflect, by way of a comparative diagram, on some of the fundamental intuitions of Comboni and of Pope Francis. We also the enjoyed the presence Sr. Nilma de Jesús, provincial of the Comboni Missionary Sisters of Brazil, who shared some of the essential moments of the missionary journey.  As a united Comboni Family, Mission takes shape in our being as relationship, nearness, reaching planned goals in the world of our peripheries, of the prisons, of those who have no land, of the indigenous people, of those who have no voice and no chances: all those who live at the margins. We lived through a great fraternal meeting because, due to the distances and the realities around us, we cannot meet as often as we would like. It was a privileged moment to nourish what is mystical, replenish the strength, reinforce the ties and reflect on our faith and on our missionary identity.

Each day the invitation is renewed to be open to others, to widen the horizons, to be on the move, to share faith and life, and be signs. Our missionary vocation impels us to move out of our reality, to break through borders, to go to meet God with the least, to celebrate hope and to become family with humankind.

We had the opportunity to talk about the present situation of the ACLM, its progress and difficulties. It is a journey that is taking shape, despite its frailties. Thus we recognize this treasure we carry with us and our responsibility to continue to promote mission in the Church and to awaken all to our common commitment as people who have been baptized.

The highlight of our meeting was the Thanksgiving Mass for the 20th anniversary of the ACLM celebrated in the parish of Santa Amelia, which has been a great source of support in the CLM journey since the beginning in 1995.  The welcoming of the CLM couple, Liliana and Flávio, who are traveling to Maranhão, in the region of Piquía, and their missionary sharing, touched all present in a special way and very fraternally we celebrated and shared our new projects in a mix of joy, as well as tears, dreams and desires.

We left with some stated objectives and the desire to work more united as Comboni Family, both in mission and in mission promotion, strengthening the groups of Comboni spirituality found in Curitiba and Balsas as well as other places where the Spirit blows. We also felt united to the journey of the International CLM and with our brothers and sisters spread over more than 20 countries across the globe with whom we will hold the International Assembly of the CLM in 2018.

With the grace of celebrating the 300th anniversary of Our Mother Aparecida, inspired by St. Daniel Comboni in the following of Jesus and united to the missionary journey of the Church in Brazil and in the world, may we be ready to guard and to help flourish every day more the missionary call of the Comboni vocation. Let us stay in touch!

CLM of Brazil

Holiday Return of our CLM María Augusta

LMC Portugal

Our dear CLM María Augusta has returned for vacations from the mission in which she was called to serve over these last few years, the Republic of Central Africa (CAR).

Her return to Lisbon, yesterday afternoon July 4, was marked by a warm reception at the airport where her family and some CLM were waiting for her.

Currently, María Augusta is at Janeiro de Baixo, Pampilhosa da Serra, with her family, for a time of vacation.

Welcome María Augusta! Thanks for your generosity, dedication and commitment in the service and responsibility of mission. We wish you a good and well deserved vacation!

CLM of Portugal

Announcement of the Comboni Family at the general level

On June 2, 2017, the annual meeting of the Central Committee of the Comboni Lay Missionary and the General Councils of the Comboni Missionaries, the Comboni Secular Missionaries and the Comboni Missionary Sisters was held in Rome at the General House of the Comboni Missionaries Sisters. A full day lived with moments of prayer, exchange, reflection, programming, meals together and Holy Mass. The MCCJs had just finished their Symposium on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its founding, and therefore shared with us all the fruits and provocations gathered during the symposium.
Fifteen years after the letter written together by the three General Councils on “Collaboration for the Mission” we now wanted to return to our intuitions, recognizing the path cover, reinforcing certain aspects and exploring new proposals for cooperation. The Comboni Lay Missionary are an integral part of the Comboni family that now also wants to open to new forms of Combonian laity that arise in the different realities.
The publication of two letters, one for all members of the Institutes and movement and another for those in charge of formation will collect the work and guidelines that emerged during this day.

familia combonianaGeneral Counsels of MCCJ, SMC, MSC and the Central Committee of the CLM

Formation Week in Granada, Spain


Last week I visited the Lisanga community in Granada. This time the formation was in Spanish, which paradoxically was a drag because most of the material I had was either in English or in Portuguese, but it turned out well in view of having the material available in various languages.

This is always a special time for me: To leave the office, away from e-mails and video-conferences and have the opportunity to share personally with our CLM. In this case it was with David and Aitana, Spanish CLM, and especially with Paula and Neuza, Portuguese CLM who are in Spain preparing to go to Peru.

David and Aitana are teachers and they were in their last week of classes so they were very busy with exams, evaluations and activities typical of this time. Just the same, they took time to share in some important moments of formation and of the week. They volunteered to welcome and make community with Paula and Neuza during the months thy will be here to study Spanish and to prepare to leave for Peru.

I spent most of my time with Paula and Neuza. We would get up early in the morning to say Lauds and start the day. The first few days we studied Spanish in the morning, but for the rest we took advantage of the first part of the morning to do some sports. We have to keep in shape, as mission requires it of them. Above all, they must be ready to do a lot of walking with the people.

After that, we had plenty of time to talk about mission, about community, to share our Comboni charism, to speak of Church and of the different styles of mission, to get to know more deeply our CLM at the international level and lots of other things.

It is always exciting to share these moments prior to the departure: The worries, the challenges to be faced and above all the trust in the One who calls us by name to serve far away from home.

During this time in Spain many people have shared with them their experiences of mission, have visited them or they themselves were able to visit many Spanish CLM and religious who have served in mission, in Peru and in other places. This way mission becomes community. They are not going on a personal quest, but they are sent as missionaries by our CLM community, which is always present, commits to their formation and follows them as well with prayers. Some commented that we all go to Peru with them.

The week ended with a meeting to evaluate the CLM of the Southern Zone of Spain. I think they felt most welcome by all and by the religious Comboni family of Granada with whom they are sharing lots of time during this month. And for the Southern Zone it was an electrifying moment, because any time mission knocks at our door, it mobilizes us, it animates us, it sets us moving and feeling alive. And so it was here in Spain as well with the preparation of our companions from Portugal.

Thank you.

We pray that all may go well in their mission and we will always be ready to accompany them on this journey of service to our brothers and sisters in Peru.

LMC en GranadaGreetings

Alberto de la Portilla