To transform our reality by sharing the good is to live a constant Easter, the missionary life is a constant breath on what Easter is, it gives us the opportunity to know the life of people in realities different from ours and to discover other challenges of humanity. In the places that we are sent to, known in the Church as places of FIRST EVANGELIZATION, if we are attentive we can meet God, discover that his LOVE is a constant in OUR LIFE, know that we can all feel his presence and give of what he gives us to those we meet every day or those he entrusts to us in the mission. It makes, from a greeting, a sweet, food, rest, games, skills, prayer, living together, accompanying, serving, simply a smile… In the middle of two languages that separate us and united by the desire to know God more, to know what Jesus Christ taught us and to receive the sacraments. I was able to experience all this in Xacundutia. A place where time moves slowly and you can give yourself the opportunity to take a DEEP breath.
Xacundutia is one of the seven communities that were entrusted to us CLM in Mexico. It belongs to the parish of San Miguel Arcángel, in the Mixteca zone of the diocese of Tlapa, Gro. We visited the parish during Holy Week to experience with the people these days that are so significant for us as Catholics. It is to rediscover a way of life, where in order to have the basics one has to work every day, in the fields, in the house, in most of the occasions to emigrate for seasons to get more. THERE ARE MANY LIMITATIONS EVEN FOR EVANGELIZATION. Knowing that there are places where it is still difficult for the word of God to reach for various reasons commits us to be available to help as much as possible from our lay vocation in this area.

In our assembly we began the reflection on having a continuous presence, we accepted to open the mission again in this area to work with the people, in their integral development, where we can all make our contribution. We have already taken the first step, where we have noted the challenges that exist, God help us to be aware and available to give the best of each one and support this concrete reality. Starting from what we have and being sincere in what we have to be able to bring a favorable response to the desire to have the word of God in the community and make possible the construction of His Kingdom in the Mixtec area, identifying the cultural richness, the appreciation of the handicrafts they make, the care of the environment and supporting learning with school reinforcement, they are the protagonists of their own growth and development.

Beatriz, CLM Mexico