Comboni Lay Missionaries

Arequipa, mission in southern Peru

We leave under these lines another video recorded by the Spanish television with the Comboni Missionaries in Peru.

In this Comboni parish is also working the Comboni Lay Missionaries for the last 9 years. At present time we are Kike Garcia (Peruvian CLM), Matt and Karissa Misner (CLM from US) with their two daughters.

We hope that with this video you can get close and understand better this missionary reality.

Greetings to everyone

CLM Missionary sending in Nova Contagem, Minas Gerais, Ipê Amarelo.

Priscila…And God said, “Do not come near; take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” And so it is in the life story of Priscilla Garcia, certainly God saw shepherding the flock in Ipê Amarelo and saw it was time to go further, the bush was not consumed, as the heart of a missionary, always burns and never consumed!

Priscilla, as in Exodus 13 reading said: Yes I will go to the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you… So this day February 28, 2016; with the blessing of God, the father provincial Alcides and missionary Childhood, Priscila Garcia assumes in front of the community of Our Lady of Aparecida its commitment for at least 2 years in African lands. Mozambique is waiting for her, where she will find a new culture in which God is now also waiting. Here in Brazil we will be praying for the mission in Africa.

Lourdes CLM Brazil

Annual Peruvian CLM meeting in Pangoa

LMC PangoaAs in previous years, the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Peru have had the CLM Annual Meeting. This year we have made in San Martin de Pangoa – Junin on 5, 6 and 7 February in the Comboni parish of that place in the jungle. We met almost all CLM from Lima and Trujillo, and some that are in a period of knowledge of the group.

During those three days we could talk and deepen our work and missionary style, sharing experiences lived in different mission fields where we are present as CLM. We were accompany by the Comboni fathers Valentin Garcia, advisor of the CLM in Peru and Father José Chinguel advisor of the CLM in Trujillo. Comboni fathers of the parish welcomed us very well and we got all the facilities for our meeting.

We begin our meeting reflecting the theme of early Christian communities. Making a comparison with the way of life in native communities, where up to this day they still lives a sense of belonging to the community. Where they shared, sitting by the fire, the joys and sorrows of the day and if someone in the community is fortunate to catch some kind of edible animal the whole community gathers to share as a family the dam, narrating in detail the adventures of hunting. A native of the place shows us its art, culture and how to face the challenges that the avalanche of modernity is threatens native traditions.

The second day we share our experiences of the mission field of a month. We conclude with this coexistence, and reflecting on justice, peace and integrity of creation (JPIC).
LMC Pangoa

On Sunday, the last day, we visited the native community of San Antonio de Sonomoro that is one of the native communities where mission field has taking place in other occasions. There we dialogue with the authorities of this native community and its people.

This annual event strengthens us as a group and the example of indigenous communities motivates us to continue working to strengthen Peruvian CLM community and feel as a family not only in word but in heart and vocation as the first Christian communities.

Fisher Ayquipa P.

CLM-Peru Coordinator


Africa, a cry that resounds from childhood.
A silent scream … I hope for so long.
Africa that makes me dream! That makes my heart beat a rhythmically. Africa that fascinates me!
Fantasy and reality they meet now, utopia and concreteness are given and inspire me to Africanize-me.
That my feet touch you without invade.
That my hands greet you without hurting you.
Let my heart love you more than he already loves you and that you, O Africa, show me your love!
A love that does not constrict. Love that does not destroy.
Join our knowledge without mine drowning yours, without yours inhibit mine.
Africa… Africa… Africa…
Welcome me! Accept me! Teach me!
That the childhood dream of touching you, now matured and possible can be made at a meeting of souls, in a true encounter of ME with YOU. Let everything be done with love.

Priscila Garcia. CLM