Comboni Lay Missionaries

Meeting of the General Councils of the Comboni Family in Verona

Consejos Gemnerales Familia Comboniana

From 14 to 16 June, we celebrated the meeting of the General Councils of the Comboni Family in Verona at the house of the Comboni Missionary Seculars.

We felt very welcome in the new house they have acquired in Verona.

We had time to reflect on various topics. We began with an update on the various activities carried out during the past year by the different branches of the family. It was a very rich moment to get to know the reality that each one is living.

On Saturday morning we visited the Calabrian family who shared with us their process as a charismatic family and the progress they have made in terms of collaboration during these years. It was a very inspiring and challenging visit that helped us to reflect on the kind of collaboration we are having and how to improve it. Afterwards we had time to reflect among ourselves and also to look at some concrete proposals of collaboration. Among them to see how to deepen the reflection on Mission and Mission Animation as a Comboni family. We also talked about vocation promotion and the possibility of creating a brochure that could help in this service by presenting us as Comboni family with the different ways of living the charism, as well as a small dossier to prepare, which will help us to know each other better.

Finally, we approved a small directory that can help in the organization of these annual meetings.

The weekend ended with the celebration of the Eucharist and a family lunch.

Alberto de la Portilla, Coordinator of the Central Committee of the CLM.

P.S. During the weekend the “Africae” festival was held at the MCCJ’s motherhouse in Verona, an event that is held every year in Verona to bring the reality of Africa closer to everyone. It features lectures on Africa, performances by African musical groups and where food and experiences are also shared among all.

The CLM organized the sale of handicrafts, cakes and fruit to raise funds for the mission of Carapira.

It was very nice to come back from the meeting every evening, from Friday to Sunday, and to be able to share some time with the CLM group of Verona in such a festive atmosphere.

Meeting of the Comboni Family in Vitória (ES-Brazil)

LMC Brasil

On Friday morning, 06/07/24, we met to celebrate and share a family moment. A meeting of the Comboni Family.

The meeting began with the celebration of the Word, which was presided over by Father Carlo Faggion, also present were Fathers Elio, Vincent and Willy. We were welcomed by the Comboni Sisters who live there. I took part representing the Comboni Lay Missionaries.

“A credible witness to a new humanity and solidarity” was an excerpt from Father Carlo’s reflection. He also presented us with an illustration of St. Daniel Comboni on the cross with Christ. This image is full of symbolism and provokes many reflections on this day dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

“It’s about Comboni’s marriage with the Cross and the unique gaze of Jesus and Comboni. Africa is in the heart.”

Tranquillo Dias, LMC in ES (Espírito Santo)

Meeting the teenagers of Ipê Amarelo

LMC Brasil

Returning to my homeland, to my country, is wonderful. But nothing compares to the joy I got from the children I worked with at Ipê Amarelo.

Isabela, Larissa, Laisla and Erik are some of the teenagers who are now part of the youth choir.

After 2 years and 4 months in Mozambique, I returned to Ipê Amarelo and received a welcome I had never expected.

The strong hug and the: “how much I missed you” that I heard from each of them was the most emotional moment I’ve ever felt. For me, this is the missionary’s best reward.

After meeting at the church, at their request we arranged a time to remember what we had experienced and for each of them to share what they had experienced after leaving. Work, study and to let off steam.

It was a very pleasant moment, we talked, and each one spoke about their expectations for the future.

Tito and I shared with them a little of our experience in Mozambique.

We had a snack and ended the meeting by looking at photos of performances, theaters and the choir’s first rehearsals years ago. We laughed a lot. It was wonderful.

I’m grateful to them and even more to God for allowing me to have such a beautiful experience.

Regimar, CLM