Comboni Lay Missionaries

Send Lord workers to your vineyard

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

For a long time, our group existed with same members. Worse, the number kept on reducing. About twenty, we dropped to ten and for a while just five. The discouragement came out of the various challenges we were facing during the formation process. But, by God’s grace, a new dynamism came with the Superior Provincial Father Timothy and the chaplain Leopold. After the promise of three members on the 10th October last year and after the African Assembly in Benin, we had the joy to see new arrival for the CLM journey.

1. In Ghana :

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

With the zeal of Mr. Wotormenyo Christian, an old member of the group, have started the CLM formation Ladies Grace Dzokoto and Gifty Aziedu and the Misters Valentine Sewovi, Emmanuel Aniewu, Daniel Gbekie and Peter Kofitio. With the long distance that separates us from one another, in addition to the monthly meeting which requires a physical presence, we plan some online meetings to share some information. Some candidates started attending the monthly meeting already. And to solve in a way the problem of distance between us, we are thinking of having some days formation during vacation. This will at the same time consolidate our community life.

2. In Togo

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

Seven (7) are the candidates in Lome, Togo at Mary Mother of the Redeemer Parish. The zeal of these committed faithful is remarkable. The group has been in existence for a while. They have some commitments at the Parish and collaborate actively with the Comboni Sisters of Adidogome. Sister Elisabeth, SMC and Father Augustine, MCCJ accompany the group. Misters Botri Ernest, Adjogble Benjamin, Akitibi Jean, Gnimassoun Jean Baptiste and the ladies Emilienne Avotonou, Keto Dorothy and Maria Dong are the candidates in formation. The formation has formally started already. CLM in the Province and the Chaplain are in touch with the group for the growth of the members. We (CLM) will organize from time to time some visits to them for sharing of experience. Visits in that sense have started already: Alberto (CC coordinator) and Justin (coordinator in the province) paid a visit to the group in November 2022. Another visit was paid on the 20th August 2023 on Sister Elisabeth’s invitation. The sharing was about The mission of CLM in the church and the society which went on wonderfully with the contribution of each one including Sister Elisabeth.

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

3. In Benin

In Benin, two aspirants manifested their desire to start the CLM journey via the CLM blog: Misters Ulrich Coffi and Aboe Lucien. Chats with them is conducted for now online. They will soon meet Brother Pascal, MCCJ who will plan, with them, the Chaplain and the CLM, the formation process.

LMC Togo Ghana Benin

We are grateful to the Lord who continues to sow in the heart of the faithful « a strong missionary drive for Christ to be witnessed and announced to those who do not know him yet ».

Justin, CLM.

2 thoughts on “Send Lord workers to your vineyard”

  1. Bendiciones a todos y que Nuestro Señor Jesucristo bajo la intercesión de San Daniel Comboni les siga acompañando este proceso de formación e ilumine su discernimiento sl compromiso como LMC.


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