Me, Tobiasz, together with my wife, Adela, have spent already a few years on mission: two years in South Africa and over two years in Ethiopia. We came back to Poland when our son was about to be born. Five years has passed since that time and three children appeared. With our family increased by Leo (5 years), Jeremi (almost 4 years) and Beniamin (1 and a half year), we decided to refresh our missionary vocation and came back to Africa, this time for a five weeks.
We visited international CLM community in Kitelakapel, Kenya, where we were hosted by Pius, Linda and Marzenka. It was great to see such a beautiful community, having good relationship with local people and among themselves. They welcomed us warmly and made us a real part of their community for that time.

It was beginning of school holiday and we organized activities for children from the neighbourhood. They were eager to spend their time playing, and were excited to see white people the same size as they are, i.e., our children. We took part in jumuias – meetings of small communities, where they read the Bible and speak about that. After Sunday Masses we had meetings with parishoners, where we shared our understanding of God, marriage and raising up children. The words always mean less than example of life, and we hope that being there even for a few weeks only would inspire some of them to pursue the Christian vision of family.

Realities in West Pokot region are very different than those we know from Europe. Men don’t participate in the family life – people were shocked I carried Beniamin in a carrier and played with my children. Most of them don’t come to the church, sometimes not allowing their wives to come, knowing that the church don’t approve polygamy which they practice. Small children are often left alone, with the only care of their not much older sisters. On the other hand life there is beautiful in its simplicity. People are joyful and very hospitable. Surely there is much to be inspired from them and they can learn much from us as well.

We are coming back to Poland with more just good memories of exceptional trip, but with our missionary vocation refreshed. It’s possible to be a missionary staying in your home town. But staying in your home town it’s very easy not to be a missionary. We are so happy we could experience the mission again.

Tobiasz Lemański, CLM
So nice story, welcome again and again
That was a very great inspiration especially on family life. Pokot community experiencing family life , in a different perspective, though for just a short period of time. If you would love to be on mission again in future Kitalakapel is a home to be away from home. Karibu Tena.
Thanks brother Tobias for such an inspirational sharing,the experience you’ve gained right here in Kenya is an amazing experience. As you take your routes back to homeland city (Poland),we wish all the best in life and feel most welcomed back to Kenya any time.
Byeeeeee .