Comboni Lay Missionaries

During the Easter season in Mozambique.

La Palabra

Here we are, giving you some news after some time….

This period has been very rich in experience and beauty, made up of simple and unexpected encounters, but at the same time enriching our lives more and more.

In this past month, we participated in priestly ordinations, visited and shared moments with the brothers of the Comboni novitiate, participated in baptisms and communions in a community here near Carapira together with our Comboni fathers, had dinner at the home of a family here in the village, etc…I would say that we experienced the essentiality of sharing and of life itself

How much we would like to find a way to bring to you all the emotions and beauty, which the Macúa people sow every day in our hearts. Every day is always a good reason to smile, live with tenderness and find every excuse possible to meet and be together

How grateful we feel to life for this gift we have received and would like to give back to you. With each passing day, we feel as if we have been living here forever and are not in a foreign land, but feel at home.

We leave you with this image that is the Word, the essential source in our Life, to always direct our steps.

A big hug to each of you and thank you that you walk with us and are always by our side.

Happy Pentecost.

Ilaria, CLM

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