Last weekend took place in Granada the national meeting of the CLM of Spain. It has been a very rich meeting in which we have had the opportunity to do missionary animation in many parishes of Granada and the province presenting the CLM Movement and our missionary vocation.
Moreover, this year our meeting had a special color since, besides celebrating our missionary vocation, we have celebrated as Comboni Family the missionary life of one of our most veteran companions of the Movement: Mª Carmen Polanco. Throughout her missionary life, Maria Carmen has always been a gift from God for all of us. We are fortunate because Mª Carmen began her life journey a few years ahead of us and so, we have someone to look up to. We are grateful for the value of having her as a reference in our own journey as CLM and we thank God for her shared life and dedication to the mission.

Mª Carmen, may the Lord continue to take care of you and bless you every day as He has done so far.

CLM Spain
It is always good to have such members. Thank God for your life.
Bendiciones María del Carmen, hermoso ejemplo a seguir.