Comboni Lay Missionaries

God wants to visit THIS man? – Meeting of the CLM in Nuremberg

LMC Alemania

At the meeting of the CLM, beside sharing time together, we worked fundamentally on two topics: What are the main points for the group’s work plan for next year and what does Sunday’s Gospel of Zaccheus tell us today from a missionary perspective?

The starting point we used for planning our work was the document with its conclusions from the European Assembly of Viseu, which was held in August of this year, which was attended by four CLM and by Bro. Friedbert.

As a result, in 2017 the group wants to prepare itself forcefully for the MCCJ Symposium on “Mission in Europe” and wants to foster the networking with MaZ (missionaries part-time). We also want to improve communications within the group.

The result of the biblical work was presented at the homily during the Sunday Mass in the community of St. Cunegonde.

Beside working, praying and sharing, we also had a lot of fun during this weekend and we even had a taste of a Peruvian drink.

LMC AlemaniaCLM Germany

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