Hello, I’m Tito, a Comboni Lay Missionary from Brazil, on mission in Carapira, northern Mozambique.
Here I work at the Carapira Industrial Technical Institute (ITIC), where I am responsible for agricultural production, producing vegetables so that the students can eat healthier.
I also work in the parish in the various pastoral and ministry roles.
In my spare time, when I’m at home, I grow a small vegetable garden to contribute to our diet.
As you can see, here in the mission I am sowing and reaping good fruit.

But God also calls us, through our Baptism, to be sowers of his word of the Gospel.
As missionaries, we must sow love, peace, justice, sharing, fraternity and hope, etc.
Wherever I go, I always try to sow, sow, sow. One day these seeds will germinate and bear good fruit.
Be a sower yourself, but sow with your neighbor in mind.

Tito, Comboni Lay Missionary.