Last Friday February 7th, Sister Angelique Namaika, Fellowship Award 2013 granted by the magazine Mundo Negro published by the Comboni Missionaries in Spain, was in Granada invited by the Comboni Family to give her testimony and share her life and her work with the poorest and forgotten.
More than a hundred people gave us gathered at the Jesuit Center Suarez to hear a firsthand testimony of this strong and passionate about life woman. A testimony of hope amid so much suffering.
Sister Angelique works with victims of the atrocities of the greatest criminal of the recent history of mankind. Joseph Kony, leader of the vicious Lord’s Resistance Army, which roams freely in Congo, South Sudan and Central Africa. Tens of thousands of people are forced to flee from their homes, leaving their homes and families, sometimes losing their children converted into little soldiers.
This religious woman is a symbol of the work that the Church develops in one of the most dangerous corners of the African continent with a collective, the refugees, often more easily forgotten.
Among many other issues, she told us about her work in the field of training and accompanying psychological support to women who have experienced violence in the first person and how her work is focused on advancing the culture of reconciliation so that little by little go slowly disappearing the hate fruit of lived atrocities.