From September 27 to 29 we had our national assembly in preparation for the international meeting 2024, the appointment was in Mexico City where 15 CLM from different groups of the national movement participated, Fr. Filomeno Ceja MCCJ as our companion present and Fr. Luis Enrique Ibarra invited to give the theme of Missionary Animation.
In an atmosphere of prayer and dynamism we were able to address the issues provided by the central committee that we had to work, we made groups where each one of us had the opportunity to express our missionary feeling about the reality presented, in addition we established our commitments based on what we can do in our place. We have managed to address all the issues, we are still preparing the documents that will be sent to the central committee and we managed to make the work plan for next year.

We have established dates where we highlight the moments of prayer in the monthly retreat in each group, dates for virtual prayer where we all participate remembering key moments in the life of Comboni, as to strengthen the spirit and our retreat in person at the national level, as well as the date for our next assembly.
The dates for the beginning and closing of the community experience.
The formation for the following year.
The activities that will be carried out to gather economic resources for the following year. To continue sending our contribution to the central committee, to sustain the community experience and the mission house in Metlatónoc.
Each one of the members wrote our letter of commitment where we specify what we are going to commit ourselves to for the following year. This letter was received by the Assessor and the Coordinator of the CLM movement in Mexico. It was really a moment of happiness to see something concrete for each of the CLM members present.

The party was not long in coming and we all shared the typical things that each one has in their region. Thank God we all returned safely to our cities.

CLM Mexico.