March 7 is not just any day for me, it’s a very special day: the day God chose for me to come into this world.
And on March 7, 2024, my birthday, it was very, very special, because, in addition to the messages, hugs and singing happy birthday, and being with friends and people I love, I had a very, very special gift. It was the greatest gift!
I’m on mission in Mozambique, in Africa, and I had the privilege of being able to visit those displaced by the terrorist attacks in Cabo Delgado province, who are in Namapa, in Nampula province.
It was a great birthday present for me, to be with the people, to be able to bring affection, love and words of faith and hope to them, who live in a very difficult situation of poverty and hunger.
I thank God for giving me this great birthday present.
Living the mission means being with the people and walking with them.

Thank you, God, for calling me to this great mission!
Tito, Comboni Lay Missionary.