I am Tito, a Comboni Lay Missionary of the Diocese of Balsas, Maranhão (Brazil).
After a long time of formation and mission and waiting because of Covid, I could finally leave for the mission ad gentes in Mozambique, Africa.
I left Brazil on the 5th and arrived in Mozambique on the 7th at night.
The trip was long and tiring, but nothing stopped me from continuing to reach my final destination where God called and sent me for this mission.
Here I was well received and I am slowly getting to know and adapting to this new reality of life and mission.
Through the intercession of St. Daniel Comboni, may the God of life bless me with a beautiful and blessed mission.
Pray for me, for the Mozambican people and for the mission.
I will be praying for you.
Hugs to all.
Tito, Comboni Lay Missionary.
And as the Macua people say, Salama salama Koxukuru Ampwene Muluku.