With a renewed missionary spirit, we concluded the Assembly of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) held in Maia, Portugal. This meeting was an opportunity to reflect on the challenges facing our community and to renew our commitment to the mission entrusted to us by St. Daniel Comboni. During these days, we have addressed, among other issues, the economic challenges we face as a community, our missionary methodology, the revision of our governance structure and our responsibility towards the international missions.
In a world with great inequalities, it is crucial to manage resources in a responsible way, guaranteeing the sustainability of our missionary activities. In this regard, the Assembly stressed the need for transparency and accountability in the use of funds. It also stressed the importance of diversifying our sources of financing and exploring new strategies that allow us to improve our finances to put them at the service of the mission.
Financial sustainability depends not only on external resources, but also on the creativity and commitment of CLM members. We are committed to actively engage in the planning and execution of initiatives that will ensure the long-term financial stability of our mission.

Mission should not be limited to evangelism, but should be a holistic process that promotes spiritual and human well-being. In an increasingly diverse world, we must work closely with local communities, empowering them to be protagonists in their own process of change.
It was emphasized that our mission must address not only spiritual needs, but also social, economic and justice issues. As Comboni Lay Missionaries, our commitment is to be active witnesses of the Gospel and from our example of life, to work for human dignity and social justice.

The revision of the governance structure was also a central theme. In a globalized context, we need a flexible organization that allows for good coordination and encourages the active participation of all members in decision-making. It was proposed to have an inverse pyramid organization chart, which contemplates the general assembly as the highest governing body, in the same way, from this general assembly, the country committees are formed, which are unified continentally in a single committee to be grouped into a single central committee; this central committee is accompanied, as an advisor, by a member of the MCCJ.
The CLM must be co-responsible with the international missions where poverty and social injustices are most evident. This commitment involves not only material support, but also spiritual and formative support. Collaboration with other organizations and support networks is essential to maximize the impact of our mission.
At the conclusion of this Assembly, we renewed our commitment to the mission of the Comboni Lay Missionaries. We feel more united and strengthened in our vocation, guided by the example of St. Daniel Comboni. We move forward with hope, courage and a strong sense of solidarity and justice, committed to the poorest and most needy.

As in all the country meetings, our assembly concluded with an integration meeting in which each country shared the best of its joy, with dances, typical food and drinks of the region, we joyfully exchanged part of ourselves and what characterizes us as one family; the most respectful, joyful and delightful closing of an assembly that unites us.
May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten our path and may our mission continue to be faithful to the charism of St. Daniel Comboni.

All together for the mission!
Felipe Mora, CLM Colombia