Comboni Lay Missionaries

Animating the mission in our parish

Because of the call of Pope Francis to be a Church that goes out and because of the message of Our Lord to go in twos and twos.

Through these lines we want to share that it was very motivating for us as a couple to do MISSION ANIMATION in our parish of Our Lady Guadalupe del Puente, in Irapuato, Gto.

Our experience meant sharing with the people the gifts that God has given us, of missionary animation as Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM), the fruits of this experience, among others, a little girl, who went to mass in the morning and took a “aguilucho” (missionary magazine for children); Her mother told us that the girl told us that she had already read the whole magazine and she wanted more, because she had liked it very much and we gave her two more aguiluchos. Also several people who already knew the magazines, and asked us when we would bring the magazine again, showing their interest in the mission, so we invite you to always share the gifts you have received and help others to find their mission, keep working.

Affectionate couple Florencio and Ana, CLM Mexico.

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