As our Comboni Lay Missionary (CLM) Day is approaching (third Sunday of Advent, and so 13th December) we would like to share a little bit more about what being CLM means. As we all come from different countries, from 3 different continents, from different cultures, and languages, there is a big variety of experiences. But there are also a lot of things we have in common, because “the Work must be catholic, not just Spanish, French, German or Italian. All Catholics must help the Africans, because one nation alone would not succeed in succouring the whole African race.” (St. Daniel Comboni, W. 944).
The main thing we have in common is our love for mission! We have all discovered this desire to spread the Gospel around the world and serve other people, especially the poorest. We realize this vocation in different ways: serving in the field of health, education or social work and also doing pastoral work. We try “to acknowledge, appreciate and love each person, regardless of physical proximity, regardless of where he or she was born or lives” (Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, n. 1). As our vocation is for life we do not live it only while abroad and far from home, but also trying to be missionaries after returning to our own countries, in our own original contexts.

We are an international movement, and in the mission we create international communities, which is a great richness for us ourselves, but also a beautiful sign for the people that as Christians we can live peacefully together, even if we come from different cultures and languages. Also using all the internet, we try to meet each other online and share experiences. Now, during the pandemic, when internet meeting has become so popular, we take the opportunity to meet together with CLM from other continents or invite each other to participate in formation meetings online. We will also celebrate our feast day online. On the one hand we regret that we cannot meet in person with the members of our country groups, but on the other there is joy that as we meet online there is no problem with distance and we can meet with CLM from other countries.
We would like to invite you all to become part of our mission. Maybe some of you have this desire to go for mission ad gentes, then feel free to write an email to us and we will guide you how to join the nearest CLM group. But if you cannot go, because it’s not everybody’s vocation, then you can do great work by your prayer, praying for missionaries and the people to whom they are sent. Prayer is the thing which gives us inspiration, strength to serve, to overcome the difficulties and problems, hope, faith, and love for the people. And it also helps them to be open to the Holy Spirit and God’s word. You can also pray for new vocations, because “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9, 37-38).
We also thank God for all the people who support us in any way and pray for God’s blessings for them.

Magda Negewo,
CLM Central Committee