
moz Ecuador

CLM Organization in Ecuador

The Comboni Lay Missionaries in Ecuador have been active since 2019, the year in which we became part of the Comboni family.

It was in 2003 that they first intended to begin their formation in this country, but this project did not have much impact on that occasion. However, it was from 2016 that the Comboni Lay Missionaries of Ecuador began to take shape with a more sustained effort to reach a happy ending in their formation. Thus, in June 2019, the first Comboni Lay Missionaries of Ecuador committed themselves, a fact which took place in the city of Guayaquil.

At present, the CLM of Ecuador is located in the city of Guayaquil, the origin and home of: John Villarroel as coordinator, Susana Ortega and Cristina Pita, who have a strong will and believe that they can grow by bringing the Christian message with the charism of Daniel Comboni first to the people of Ecuador and then to the places where God wants to send everyone.

At the moment, our activities are: Missionary Animation, an activity which stands out in a broadcast on Radio Santiago of the Archdiocese of Guayaquil, participation in the Prison Ministry, as well as in activities of evangelization and as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in a parish of this city.

Meet the CLM in Ecuador


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Telephones and email of the coordinators:

Assesor (MCCJ): +593982821865
Coordinator: +593996107880


Surface: 283.560Km2

Population: 17.643.060

urbana (64%) rural (36%)

Capital: Quito

Lenguages: Spanish.

Principals ethnic: White, Mestizo, Afro-Ecuadorian, indigenous people from the Sierra and the Amazonian region.

Life expectancy: 76.6 años

Schooling: 98.19%

HDI: 0.758

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