Who are we?
A group of lay people convinced of the mission of St. Daniel Comboni and engaged in different Comboni animation activities in Egypt. We formed a reflection group the 15th of October to continue the mission in Egypt.
We are a group of young people (men and women) involved in the society and committed to the world through our work. We are over 20 years old, married or single.
We believe that we have a call and a mission in the Church and in the society, and we follow it inspired by St. Daniel Comboni’s spirituality, convinced of his principles and his call, in collaboration with the MCCJ and Comboni Sisters, who also guide and accompany us to develop our Comboni spirituality.
What are we looking for?
Give support to the needy and those who are excluded.
Form small groups in different regions and coordinated with the persons in charge to respond to the service needs in the different places.
What are we doing?
We follow a continuous spiritual, human and social training process.
We make the Comboni Mission in Egypt through animation, education and pastoral activities.
Where are we?
In Cairo (where is our headquarters in the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus), in Aswan and in Luxor.
Surface: 1.001.459Km2
Population: 83.082.869
urban (44%) rural (56%)
Capital: El Cairo
Language: Egyptian Arabic.
Principal Ethnics: Egyptian, Bedouin, Gypsy, Nubian, Beja, Berber, Turkish.
Life expectancy: 68 years
Schooling: Men 83%, Women 59.4%
HDI: 0.662