The Comboni Lay Missionaries (CML) are Christians who live their vocation in their family life, school, work and local church in which they are embedded. They feel the call to follow Jesus as a specific charism: The Comboni charism.
They follow a path of deepening Christian life and Comboni spirituality. Based on their faith, they commit themselves to serve humanity today and to collaborate in the mission with a sense of welcome and solidarity.
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Area: 92.090Km2
Population: 10.562.178 inhab
urban 60%) rural (40%)
Capital: Lisbon
Languge: Portuguese.
Life expectancy: Men: 74 years; Women : 81 years
Literacy: Complete Higher Education: Men: 12.4% Women: 16.9%
Primary school 95.4%
Secondary 72.5%
Superior 16.8%
HDI: 0.816