Welcome to the blog of the Comboni Lay Missionaries!
With a lot of hope we are creating this space where we will be able to share with all of you our missionary experiences in Africa, America and Europe.
In this blog there will be a space where to share our daily life with the peoples of the world. The hopes, the difficulties and the challenges presented by the life of simple folks.
We will invent a space where we will be able to reflect, laugh, pray, dream together and turn into reality a different world.
You know that you can also visit our webpage, where you will find more information about us and our place of formation, where we wish to prepare ourselves in the best possible way and where you are also all invited.
Comboni Lay Missionaries in Kenya
A Tico missionary in Sahuayo
Prayer Intentions of the Comboni Family March 2025
Community experience in Kitelakapel
Do you have a missionary vocation?
If you are worried about the injustices that surround you…
If you cannot remain indifferent to inequalities…
If as a Christian you feel called to do your part…
We have to take a step forward…
Where we are?
As CLM, we are in Africa, America and Europe. Present in a total of 21 countries. If you want to know us better, enter in our website and see where we are in each country and what we do.

Saint Daniel Comboni, missionary of Africa.
Comboni was a missionary with a passion for Africa and its people. When everybody sought to profit and exploit the continent, he fought against slavery of the African people. Saving Africa with Africa was his motto and getting everyone involve by this ideal the passion of his life.
If the possibility of being a missionary questions you, we advise you to get down to work and begin a process of discernment.
The best thing is to look for someone who can accompany you (a priest, a religious or a layperson). Approach a missionary group and begin to deepen this vocation. We are present in 20 different countries. If you are in one of these countries, contact us and we will put you in touch with the coordination of the group so that you can begin this journey. If not, look for some other missionary group to help you. The mission is big and your help is needed.
As lay missionaries, we perform many services. Depending on the needs of the people where we are and the professional capabilities of each one, we put ourselves at the service of others.
We are involved in education. Accompanying networks of community schools in the jungle, elementary schools, high schools or technical schools, and even in the university.
In health, we also develop many services, from preventive medicine in the communities, as doctors of different specialties or nurses, with community care centers and alternative medicines, always respecting the traditions of the people.
We are involved in social actions of justice, peace and integrity of creation, accompanying communities affected by mining companies, with centers for the defense of life and human rights, training communities in the defense of their rights, in projects of agricultural development, etc.
Also as missionaries, we accompany Christian communities in the periphery of cities, in rural areas, in communities on rivers or inside the jungle. Accompanying different pastorals, with catechesis, with youth ministry, with the sick, etc. Helping communities to empower themselves, strengthen their capacities and move forward with their own means.
As Comboni said “Save Africa with Africa“.
Being a missionary is a vocation. Understanding that the Lord calls you for this service is the first step.
However, as Comboni said, we must be “holy and capable“. The needs are many in the mission, so we must prepare properly to offer the best of ourselves, respecting the cultures of the people where we are sent and sharing our lives with them.
We offer a period of discernment (to understand if this is your vocation).After several stages of formation where to know key aspects of the missionary life, with some theology, missiology, missionary testimonies, practical aspects, etc. A formation that helps us in our Human and Christian maturity and to know better our Comboni charism.
When you are ready to be sent, you will have the opportunity to have a community formation experience where you can prepare for your missionary destiny. A fundamental period before departure for your destination country.
The training does not end here. It is fundamental in our missionary life … when we arrive at a mission, when we return to our country of origin,… always with permanent formation.
If you want to know more, come to our group and we will inform you in more detail.
We are present in 20 countries. We want to be missionaries at all times and in all places.
When we leave our countries of origin we join international communities with other mates, single or married (some with children) with whom we share our missionary service. We have presences in Africa (Ethiopia, Uganda, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Malawi) and in America (Peru, Brazil …).
Based on the capacities of the people available and the needs of the specific missions, we established a dialogue among the countries to be able to send our missionaries.
The needs are many and all people of good will must unite to make a better world.
The possibilities are many. Pray for our missionaries and the people who welcome them, promote the missionary vocation among friends and family, financially help our communities and the different projects they carry out … and of course having a simple life, caring about others, controlling consumption that it is devastating the planet … everyone from where we are must try to make a better world. Let us worry about others and facilitate, within our possibilities, the lives of others, especially the most needy and excluded.